Alicia Austin

  • (501) 271-0253
  • Maumelle
Not Qualified

Lead Activities

101 Pine Forrest Dr. #F23
Alicia Austin

Met with Alicia and her sister Sherry, she is getting ready to move. Alicia makes around $4k a month between social security and government retirement but doesn't have any assets. Got Kerry on phone to let him speak with them about Elder Law and trust options.

101 Pine Forrest Dr. #F23
Alicia Austin

Went to prospects house for meeting, called sister once there to confirm appt number, said she had vertigo from travelling and wanted to reschedule for monday.

(501) 271-0253
Alicia Austin

Spoke with sister Sherry, she is in the Bahamas and will be back next Thursday. Sofa scheduled for 8/16 @1:30. Said she was approved for social security disability in June, portal showing no match. Will get Kerry on phone when I meet with them to figure that out.

(501) 271-0253
Alicia Austin

Received call from Brittney, said she spoke with alicia and her sister, they would like for me to call and set up a time I can meet with them and see what we can figure out. Brittney asked that I keep her in the loop.

Alicia Austin

Received referral from Executive director Brittney Icenhower. Alicia is one of the first ACE program pts, she is recently a double amputee. She has federal blue cross blue shield and her sister claims she was told by insurance that they would pay for 51 PC visits a year for 2 hrs/day. Got with Kerry, who got with Cody, and found out it will pay for PC but we don't have the correct licensure to be able to accept it. It is something we've already been working on. Waiting on Brittney to get back with me on how they want us to proceed.

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