OPTUM ASSESSMENT F/U: PER MMIS assessment was completed on the scheduled date of: 07/31/2024. Tier:1 Called and Notified David.
OPTUM ASSESSMENT COMPLETED: Confirmed assessment was completed on the scheduled date. Sent email to: Intake, Chapman, Megan & Joyce: PER MMIS David Childers OPTUM ASSESSMENT was completed on the scheduled date of: 07/31/2024 tier:1
MMIS 06-IABP Tier 1
IABP Tier 1, not eligible for HH as IABP.
OPTUM ASSESSMENT F/U: PER MMIS assessment was completed on the scheduled date of: 07/31/2024. Tier:1 Called and Notified David
07/30/24: OPTUM ASSESSMENT EMAIL: JC SENT TO: Chapman, Intake, Megan, and Joyce: David Childers Has an OPTUM assessment scheduled for 07/31/2024 8am-8:30am.
Called spoke to David and he is currently in the hospital he had a fall on his amputee and busted it open asked for me to call him next week to get 618. started.