ARC CALL: MM ATC (#5220): unable to reach, LVM. MM ATC (#4669): unable to reach, LVM. MM will be changing to unreachable per notes in activities.
ARC DOCS CALL: MM ATC wife-Carol (#4669): unable to reach, LVM. MM ATC Leroy (#5220): s/w him and he is in dialysis. He stated he has surgery on Friday. MM will f/u next week about the needed docs to submit app for ARC.
ARC DOCS CALL: (#4669): MM unable to reach, LVM. (#5220): MM s/w prospect. He is currently in dialysis. MM stated I would c/b later today.
MM sent to: Josie W & NR: Good AFternoon Ladies, Josie,Thank you for sharing the documents you gathered from Carol on behalf of Jsal Leroy Tomsick. Josie & Nevaeh,I am still trying to get Jsal's SSN # and Medical coverage information. Carol stated she sent everything over through Josie or to Nevaeh. Before I call her back and let her know we will need more details, I want to make sure I have exhausted every avenue so I have a fulfilling conversation with her. I appreciate you ladies. Thank you so much for your assistance.
Reviewed WS notes. Awaiting on more documents.
ARC DOCS CALL: (H#): MM unable to reach, VM was for "Leroy", MM LVM. (M#): s/w Carol: still wanting assistance. Starting today, therapist and RN coming out to assist with PT/OT. Carol confirmed that all docs were pictured by JW. She also provided her/Jsal's SSN's as well to JW. MM will reach out to collect that info from JW. MM