Received authorization. CC
OPTUM ASSESSMENT F/U: JC: Per MMIS: Optum assessment was completed on the specified date of:08/16/2024 Tier: 1. Email to intake, Joyce and M. Kate Harrison
MMIS: 43-SSIAD Tier 1 DOB: 08/19/1984
Sent email to: Intake, Joyce, Mary-Kate: OPTUM ASSESSMENT: Richard "Glen" Rice had his Optum assessment rescheduled for 08/16/2024
OPTUM ASSESSMENT: JC spoke with CG Brandy who states Optum called and rescheduled his assessment for 08/16/2024
Revver 618 sent, WS created.
FR MMIS: 43-SSIAD (0813079001) non Passe. No Tier.
Call with Brandy Carter this will be Family combo.