Approval rec'd Auth. CC
Assigned to: Joyce Sherwoood, Heather Snellings 618 RA due 8/13/2025
Assigned to: Heather Snellings Sent to Revver 9/5/24-HS auth?
Faxed PCP again for orders. CC
Call with Wayne Brown and he is with Care Source and was following up and I explained that I have not received the PCP orders back from Dr. White yet. CC
FAx sent to Dr. White for PCP orders. CC
Called Dr. White to get fax number to send for a PCP request. CC
called to confirm esig went through CC
Now CareSource Passe, new Revver 618 sent.
Revver 618 sent.
FR MMIS: 43-SSIAD (6579204101) non Passe. DBHS Tier 3 on 8/7/24.
Call with Stacy and she will be a 618 and she was a previous client DOB 8/17/79. CC