Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *



Referral Activities

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Spoke with tequila updated her on Referrals, and she said she had one.She would probably be sending today

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Spoke with robin thanks for what We are doing Updated on a couple patience doing well

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Spoke with Rebecca.She didn't have anything at this time doing well

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Texted tequila, updating her on 2 patience.And thanking her

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Tequila was not in her office could find her on the floor left my information and i'm going to texture

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Robin was not in her office left my information on her desk

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Check-in with Rebecca.She is good said that I have a lot.Maybe in contact move this weekend

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Tequila is on the 3rd floor.

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Robin was in a meeting as well as tequila.Hannah rebecca said hi touch base next week

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Robin prior on the second floor

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Touch base with Robin tequila was busy.Check-in with Rebecca all is good.I received another referral from tequila.Christie is on it

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Visited Robin and Taqueila with Lenny, updated on referrals.

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Went by Robin's office.She was not there left a card on her des. Went to third floor and visited With rebecca and introduced josie. Went by tequila's office and introduced Josie.And thanked her for the referral and gave her an update.

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

In-service lunch with Lenny. Met Rebecca, Robyn and Thekla (pronounced tequila). Discussed services and how we can help them get their people discharged with the most help possible. They said they don’t need follow up, past referral receipt. In the past, they usually have just give patients info for home care and let them make up their mind if they want to seek help or not. Lenny explained that we are in Epic or they can shoot us a name and room number and Josie or I can come visit. Nice bunch of ladies.

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Head in service with rebecca oliver, Tequila gains, Robin Prior, And sierra minor was not there today she was Out of office. The inn service went great, They said that They would definitely be In touch and we And we can definitely help some of their patients

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Met with Robin prior to confirm lunching in service tomorrow.I was good to go starts at eleven thirty with five case managers

Baptist Rehab Institute (BRI) *

Ordered food from two sisters pick up at eleven o'clock Thursday

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Referral Data
